Biti dobar otac, i roditelj pre svega, uvek zaslužuje pohvalu. Tako je ponašanje ovog oca pokrenulo pregršt pozitivnih komentara.

Reč je o tome da otac igra košarku sa svojim sinom, za kog se čini da nema ni 5 godina. Dečak je toliko mali da jedva može da drži košarkašku loptu, a još manje šanse ima da dobaci do koša.

— Mr. Drinks On Me (@Mr_DrinksOnMe) July 28, 2019

U trenutku kada dečak baci loptu, vidno poljuljan njenom težinom, otac koristi njegov trenutak nepažnje i on ubacuje loptu u koš, a sve u svrhu ne bi li sin pomislio da je sve uspeo da uradi sam.

Sreća i radost ovog dečaka su neprocenljivi, a mnogi su na Tviteru ovom roditelju udelili komplimente i poželeli sve najlepše.

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Trenutak #dobrodoslaljubavi #mamaibeba #zivot #emocije #porodjaj #trenucikojisepamte #Yumama #Repost @bumpnbub • • • • • • MamaMondays are my FAV days. I love sharing beautiful women’s stories on my blog “I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Emma on her due date, September 11, 2018. I had always heard that less than 10% of babies are actually born on their due date, so I would tell people that my due date was 9/11, but that she probably would come before or after it! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Anyway, around 4:30 a.m. on September 10th, I woke up to use the bathroom as I usually did. When I got back to bed, I heard and felt a pop in my lower abdomen and immediately knew it was my water breaking. So, I carefully rolled over so that I wouldn't wet the bed, and as I placed my feet on the ground, just like in the movies, SPLASH! All over my floor In that moment, I was actually so happy and excited! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I texted my midwife and my doula, texted my coworkers to say I was going into labor, and called my husband, who is a firefighter and was on duty. It would be a few hours before I started feeling contractions, so I did all the things I had learned in Hypnobirthing--I snacked, I showered, I relaxed (I tried to go back to sleep and rest but I was just TOO excited!). I started to feel the contractions getting a little stronger, and around noon, I headed to the birth center, with what seemed like my whole family in tow! One of the midwives took a quick look at me and knew I wasn't ready yet. So, my family and I left and went out to lunch! I was labouring and eating a turkey sandwich in the middle of a busy restaurant...”Link in bio to keep reading #bumpnbub @jdubangel

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