Ubod zaraženog krpelja može da izazove razna oboljenja,a najčešća i najopasnija su svakako Meningoencefalitis i Lajmska bolest.
Međutim, malo ko zna da krpelji mogu da izazovu i paralizu, a upravo to dogodilo se malenoj Evelin čija mama je na Fejsbuku objavila video i uz njega napisala poruku upozorenja za sve roditelje:
“Danas smo imali prilično strašno jutro... Srećom, sve se dobro završilo, ali moram da podelim ovaj video sa vama, kako bih vas upozorila.
Evelin je počela da se ponaša malo čudno još sinoć. Nije želela da ustane iz kade nakon kupanja i da obuče pidžamu. Pomogla sam joj i stavila je u krevet. Bila je kenjkava, pa sam odlučila da ostanem pored nje cele noći.
Ovog jutra bilo joj je teško da ustane. Jedva je hodala, puzala i koristila ruke. Najpre smo snimili video i poslali porodici da vidimo da li imaju ideju šta može da bude u pitanju. Odlučili smo da je odmah odvedemo kod lekara jer su se simptomi pogoršavali, a mi smo umirali od brige
Doktor nas je primio čim smo stigli u bolnicu i rekao da je u poslednjih 15 godina video oko sedmoro ili osmoro dece njenih godina sa istim simptomima i da je najverovatnije u pitanju krpelj. Pregledali su je, a potom prešli na kosu gde su našli skrivenog uljeza.
U pitanju je bila krpeljska paraliza, bolest koja se javlja kod ljudi i životinja, a koja se manifestuje progresivnom paralizom u donjim delovima tela i brzo se širi prema gornjim delovima. Ova bolest može da bude fatalna, te smo imali puno sreće što smo je na vreme odveli kod lekara.
Krpelja ima svuda, pa ukoliko vaši mališani počnu da se ponašaju čudno, obavezno dobro pogledajte da im se za kožu nije zakačio krpelj.
U bolnici smo bili još neko vreme, a Evelin je počela da se oseća dobro nekoliko sati nakon što su joj izvadili krpelja. Sada je sve u redu.”
We had a little bit of a scary morning today...luckily everything is ok but I wanted to share this so the rest of you are aware. Evelyn started acting a little weird last night around bed time. She didn't want to stand up after her bath to get into her pajamas. I helped her and got her in bed. She was a little fussy last night and I ended up sleeping in bed with her all night. This morning she was having a hard time standing. She could barely walk, or crawl, and could hardly use her arms. We took some video this morninh to send to family to see if they had any idea what could be going on. We decided to take her into the ER right after we took this video because her symptoms were getting worse, and given Lantz's history with cancer we were quite concerned. We got into a room quickly, thank God, and were seen almost right away. The doctor talked to us for a minute and said over the past 15 years he had seen about 7 or 8 children her age with identical symptoms and more than likely she had a tick. They looked her over, combed through her hair really well and sure enough found a tick hiding in her hair. This condition is called tick paralysis. It can affect dogs also and can be fatal. I'm glad we took her in when we did and that it wasn't something worse and that we found it before it got worse. The ticks are out like crazy right now in this area so if your children or dogs start acting a little off, check them thoroughly for ticks! I feel awful for not having seen the little bugger sooner but I never would have even thought to look for a tick. It's crazy that a little bug can do this! We're still in the ER. Now that the tick has been removed, Evelyn should start feeling like herself in a couple of hours. She's enjoying popsicles and watching cartoons ☺ They want to monitor her for a little longer then we can go home Crazy morning UPDATE: I didn't realize how widespread this video would end up! So for those of you who don't know us personally, Evelyn is doing much better. It took her until the next morning to start acting like herself again. She is now pretty much completely back to her feisty little self. She complains a lot about her head itching but otherwise she's just fine. My husband and I are still in shock that this happened to our baby girl and I'm glad we were able to spread some awareness about this. It's not terribly common for this to happen but it's good to be aware that if your children or pets start having weakness in their limbs to look for a tick! The doctor told us that the type of tick that was found on her does not typically carry lyme disease (dog tick) but we are keeping a close eye on her anyway. "Tick paralysis results from injection of a toxin from tick salivary glands during a blood meal. The toxin causes symptoms within 2–7 days, beginning with weakness in both legs that progresses to paralysis. The paralysis ascends to the trunk, arms, and head within hours and may lead to respiratory failure and death. The disease can present as acute ataxia without muscle weakness" For more information on Tick paralysis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tick_paralysis http://www.cvbd.org/en/tick-borne-diseases/tick-paralysis/human-tick-paralysis/ I'm so thankful that we got her to the doctor quickly before her symptoms got worse and that the doctor in the ER that day had experience with this otherwise who knows how many tests they would have been doing on her trying to figure out what was wrong! Thank you all for your kind words and support through this crazy time! UPDATE AGAIN: We're located in Eastern Oregon USA. Ticks though can be found all over. They're causing all kinds of problems on the east coast of America right now as well
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