Glumica Hilari Daf je krajem prošle godine postala majka devojčice Benks Vajolet i sada otkriva da je bila prinuđena da prestane sa dojenjem.

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THIS ONE’S FOR THE LADIES Just a few thoughts that I wanted to share on Breast-feeding. Last week was my last week nursing Banks (my six month old) I am a working mom of two. My goal was to get my little girl to six months and then decide if I (and her of course) wanted to keep going. Let me tell you. Pumping at work sucks. I had zero down time and am usually pumping in a hair and make up trailer while four hands work to get me ready for the next scene with lots of other people around. Even if I had the luxury to be in my own room, it’s not even considered a “break” because you have to sit upright for the milk to flow into the bottles! Plus you are having your damn nipples tugged at by an aggressive machine that makes an annoying sound, that echoes through your head day and night (I swear that machine and I had many conversations at midnight and 3 am)! Ttttthen having to find someplace to sterilize bottles and keep your milk cold (ok I’m done with that rant lol)! Anyway, I didn’t know this because with Luca I didn’t work until he was about nine months old, so I didn’t pump very often. Your milk supply drastically drops when you stop feeding as often and lose the actual contact and connection with your baby (). So I was eating all the feunugreek goats butt blessed thistle fennel cookies/drops/shakes/pills I could get my hands on! It was maddening. (Does fenugreek make anyone else smell like maple syrup and rubber gloves?...not chill) With all of this complaining, I want to say I enjoyed (almost) every moment of feeding my daughter. Felt so lucky to be so close to her and give her that start. I know many women are not able to and for that I am sympathetic and very grateful that I could. For six wonderful months. But I needed a break. I was going to break. With the stress of a dropping milk supply and a baby that was getting bored or not caring about nursing when I was available to. I was sad and frustrated and feeling like a failure all of the time. When really I’m a bad ass rock star. Moms get high on feeling like superwoman...because we are! Doing too much, because we can! KEEP READING in the comments below

Објава коју дели Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) дана 7. Мај 2019. у 4:27 PDT

"Zaposlena sam majka dvoje dece. Prošle nedelje rešila sam da prestanem da dojim svoju šestomesečnu devojčicu. Dala sam sebi zadatak da ću nakon šest meseci dojenja ćerke razmotriti mogu li dalje ili ću ipak odustati. Odustala sam, a znate li zašto? Da budem iskrena, izmlazanje me je izluđivalo. Nisam imala apsolutno nikakvog praznog hoda, mleko je znalo da poleti u pravcu kose ili prema paletama senki, dok su me istovremeno šminkali i frizirali na setu. Imala sam električnu pumpicu za izmazanje mleka, koja je, da bi mi sve dodatno zagorčala, ispuštala užasan zvuk koji mi je prolazio kroz glavu i noću i danju. S tom mašinicom sam se, verujte mi, mnogo družila i u ponoć i u tri usred noći", započela je svoju ispovest Hilari.

"Bez obzira na sve to, uživala sam u svakom trenutku. Bila sam tako srećna dok sam bila uz svoju bebu. Znam da mnoge žene ne mogu da doje i zbog toga sam veoma zahvalna što sam bila jedna od onih koja s tim nije imala problema. Ipak, bila mi je potrebna pauza. Bila sam bukvalno pred slomom. Kad sam počela da radim, sve je otišlo tako daleko, da bih se slomila da nisam prekinula taj začarani krug. Naime, kad sam bila kod kuće, Benks je postala nezainteresovana za dojenje. To me je rastuživalo i osećala sam se kao da sam podbacila, frustriralo me je to. Mi mame zanesemo se u ulogama superžena, jer mi to i jesmo. Radimo puno toga više nego što bi trebalo, jer možemo!", zaključila je svoju priču Hilari.