Roditelji iz Tasmanije su bili potpuno van sebe nakon što su izgubili trogodišnjeg sina nekoliko dana pre njegovog četvrtog rođendana. 

Jedan njihov prijatelj je ispričao: "Loptica se zaglavila u njegovom dušniku i onemogućila mu da diše. U svega nekoliko sekundi, uz majčine silne pokušaje da ga spase, mališa je preminuo u njenim rukama." 

Mama Ana Dejvis je na društvenim mrežama podelila priču o ovom strašnom incidentu koji se dogodio njoj pred očima. "Ja sam, svakako, pokušala na sve načine da spasem naše divno dete, uključujući reanimaciju sve dok hitna pomoć nije došla. Kada se incident dogodio u roku od nekoliko sekundi sam se stvorila pored njega", rekla je. Istakla je i to da je loptica bila veličine sitniša, a njenu fotografiju je takođe podelila. Objasnila je i to da loptice nisu namenjene deci mlađoj od 3 godine, a njen Albi je bio na pragu svog četvrtog rođendana.

Ovo je ogroman podsetnik roditeljima da se pripaze svih malenih igračaka i loptica, kako se ne bi dogodila noćna mora poput ove. 

Ispunjena bolom i šokom, podelila je i fotografije na njegov rođendan, uz reči: "Dragi Albi, danas, uprkos činjenici da više nisi sa nama, mi slavimo u tvoju čast tvoje četvorogidišnje putovanje. Naše ruke čeznu za hiljadama tvojih zagrljaja, naše uši žele da čuju tvoj smeh, srca su nam slomljena zbog svih uspomena koje bismo napravili zajedno da si još uvek ovde. Neizreciva je patnja, ali vidimo svetlo barem u činjenici da sve što si znao za ove četiri godine jeste čista ljubav."

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Darling Alby, Today, despite the fact you are no longer with us, we celebrate and honour your fourth sunshine journey. Your daddy and I visited you this morning, holding your hands and stroking your hair, for what I wish could have been an eternity. We placed your much-longed for gift - a waterproof watch with a light - around your tiny little wrist, and tried not to shower you with too many tears as we painted your fingernails with your favourite gold glitter polish. Time spent with you is never enough and leaving without you by our side, summons the most unbearable pain we’ve ever had to endure. Our arms are yearning for the thousands of cuddles yet to be given, our ears are longing for your laughter to once again resound through the walls of our home, and our hearts are shattered for the millions of memories we’ll never have the chance to create. We, along with the world, are weeping, but we take solace in the fact that all you ever knew, in your almost-four-years, was nothing but love. We are eternally grateful for the abundant light you brought to our lives and now know that your purpose was so much higher than any of us ever anticipated. Happy birthday sweetheart. We miss you endlessly ♥️

A post shared by THE SMALL FOLK (@the.small.folk) on Mar 5, 2018 at 3:29am PST

Mnogi roditelji su slali poruke podrške roditeljima. " Ponovo se zahvaljujemo iz dubine naših duša za svu ljubav i razumevanje koje ste nam pružili. Molim sve mame i tate koji dele tugu sa nama da zagrle svoju decu što jače. Naš zlatni dečak će neprestano živeti u svima nama."

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As the media storm surrounding our family swirled yesterday, I beg you - this beautiful, loving community - to disregard the many ignorant, hurtful and incorrect assumptions that have been formed regarding the more specific details of Alby’s passing. The heart ache we are already experiencing is indescribable, and to know there are ill-informed stories and subsequent false accusations circulating, initiated by some incredibly heartless people at this time, only exacerbates our pain. To very briefly clarify some of the most widely spread misconceptions - yes, I of course tried to save our beautiful boy (including, but not only, undertaking CPR for 16 excruciating minutes until paramedics arrived), I was three feet away from Alby when the incident occurred and was by his side within seconds, the ball was larger than the 50c piece/film canister size-recommendation for toys given to young children, and the ball packaging states ‘not for children under three years’ - being only a few days away from turning 4, Alby was almost one year older than this advice (swipe across) We thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts, for the love and sympathy you have so graciously expressed. Knowing fellow mamas and papas are encircling our family, sharing in our grief, and clutching their babies a little tighter, brings us great comfort. Our golden boy will live on in us all