Rađanje deteta je jedan od najvažnijih trenutaka u životu žene, ali retko koja mama ima opipljive uspomene na ovaj događaj. Ipak, više hiljada mama širom sveta imalo je sreće da na njihovim porođajima budu prisutni profesionalni fotografi koji su neprimetno zabeležili svaki detalj - bol, radost, iznenađenje, napor, ljubav…

Na njihovim porođajima zabeleženi su neki od najlepših intimnih trenutaka, a u tu čast Međunarodno udruženje profesionalnih porođajnih fotografa (IAPBP), koje broji 1,200 članova iz 42 zemlje, svake godine organizuje dodelu nagarada “Fotografija godine”.

Godišnji izbor slavi lepotu rađanja i veštine fotografa u četiri kategorije: porođaj u toku, trenutak rađanja, najlepši detalj s porođaja i posle porođaja, a najbolje fotografije birane su prema tehnici, kompoziciji i emocijama koje izazivaju.

Najbolja fotografija u 2016. godini:

Fotografia câștigătoare a competiției din 2017. Și o listă generoasă cu multe altele în link http://birthphotographyimagecompetition.com/ copyright: Jaydene Freund – Cradled Creations

Posted by Fotografii de familie on Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Najbolja fotografija u kategoriji "Porođaj u toku":

Hello baby!! Amazing capture by Elizabeth Farnsworth Photography - Roanoke, VA

Posted by Birth Becomes Her on Monday, 16 January 2017

Najbolja fotografija u kategoriji "Najlepši detalj s porođaja":

Why am I birth photographer? This is why: Written by the mom- "This momma wanted a natural birth at home, but due to...

Posted by KE Documentary on Monday, 26 December 2016

Najbolja fotografija u kategoriji "Posle porođaja":

Wow! What a great way to start a Monday! Woke up to an email that one of our images in a birth photography competition...

Posted by Birth Unscripted on Monday, 23 January 2017

U uži izbor ušlo je još mnogo neverovatnih fotografija koje nisu osvojile nagrade, ali svakako zaslužuju da ih pogledate:


I woke up this morning to learn that my image of Cagney Wenk won an honorable mention at the International Birth...

Posted by Sarah Boccolucci Photography + Birth Services on Monday, 23 January 2017
Posted by Atlanta Birth Photographer & Videographer I Snap Life Photography on Friday, 6 January 2017

There is NOTHING like the joy of this moment. Gorgeous work by Elise Hurst Photography Lubbock Birth Photographer

Posted by Birth Becomes Her on Friday, 25 November 2016

{ NUCHAL CORD } Did you know that approx one third of babies are born with the cord around their neck? ... Kelly Winder...

Posted by Cat Fancote - Capturing Birth on Thursday, 1 December 2016

Wow! What a great way to start a Monday! Woke up to an email that one of our images in a birth photography competition...

Posted by Birth Unscripted on Monday, 23 January 2017

U uži izbor ušlo je još mnogo neverovatnih fotografija koje nisu osvojile nagrade, ali svakako zaslužuju da ih pogledate:


I woke up this morning to learn that my image of Cagney Wenk won an honorable mention at the International Birth...

Posted by Sarah Boccolucci Photography + Birth Services on Monday, 23 January 2017
Posted by Atlanta Birth Photographer & Videographer I Snap Life Photography on Friday, 6 January 2017

There is NOTHING like the joy of this moment. Gorgeous work by Elise Hurst Photography Lubbock Birth Photographer

Posted by Birth Becomes Her on Friday, 25 November 2016

{ NUCHAL CORD } Did you know that approx one third of babies are born with the cord around their neck? ... Kelly Winder...

Posted by Cat Fancote - Capturing Birth on Thursday, 1 December 2016