Postupak za izradu ovih autentičnih i originalnih ukrasa je vrlo jednostavan, a vaša će jelka, a i atmosfera u čitavom domu u trenu izgledati još lepše. Samo je bitno da ih okačite na neko vidljivo mesto, kako bi im se baš svi mogli diviti.
Potrebno je:
Prazne kugle
Konfete/šljokice/veštački sneg/perje/biseri/perlice/kokice
1. Prazne kuglice napunite šljokicama, izrezanim trakicama i konfetima, otprilike 1/3 svake te stavite poklopac.
2. Konac zavežite na vrh, kako biste ih mogli okačitii po želji na jelku ili negde u domu.
Vaša dekoracija je gotova.
Evo nekoliko primera kako to može da izgleda:
"Calista" A single peacock eye feather inside a glass bulb, and topped with a teal crystal beaded hanger. So simple...
"Winterberry" White berries sparkle from inside a clear glass bulb, while leaves shimmering with coarse white glitter...
Holly berry in glass ornament DIY (
Još originalnih ideja možete pogledati na sledećoj strani...
During the last couple of weeks, I've been asked a lot if the glitter ornaments made with plastic bulbs, instead of...
A very easy glass ornament idea for you: (so pretty for wedding favors, too!)
"Serenity" Christmas at the beach! A glass bulb filled with tiny seashells and beach sand, with white glitter added...
Posted by The Ornament Girl on Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Here's a super simple ornament DIY (perfect for a quick gift idea). A little bit of fake snow inside a clear glass...
Did you shop all day today? If so, I hope you found some great deals... but now it's time to put up the Christmas tree!...
During the last couple of weeks, I've been asked a lot if the glitter ornaments made with plastic bulbs, instead of...
A very easy glass ornament idea for you: (so pretty for wedding favors, too!)
"Serenity" Christmas at the beach! A glass bulb filled with tiny seashells and beach sand, with white glitter added...
Posted by The Ornament Girl on Tuesday, December 22, 2015
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