U potrazi za boljim životom, mnoge sirijske porodice krenule su ka Evropi, ostavljajući iza sebe život i dom.
U svojoj seriji fotografija pod imenom "Gde spavaju deca", švedski fotoreporter Magnus Venman, putujući Evropom i Bliskim istokom, dokumentovao je neke od najupečatljivijih momenata ovih ljudi koji pokušavaju da pronađu utočište u Evropi.
Neke od fotografija nastale su i na srpsko-mađarskoj granici, izbegličkim kampovima, bolnicama... Pogledajte samo neke od njih:
Ralia, 7, and Rahaf, 13, lives on the street in Beirut. They come from Damascus, where a grenade killed their mother and...
Shiar, 10 was crossing the border near Cobane. It was the middle of the night and he touched something on the ground. It...
A young Syrian boy holds his mothers hand after crossing the border from Serbia to Hungary. Most refugees don't know...
Sham, 1 year oldRoszke/Horgos. In the very front, just alongside the border between Serbia and Hungary by the...
Sham, 1 year oldRoszke/Horgos. In the very front, just alongside the border between Serbia and Hungary by the...
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