Fotografkinja Lejlani Rodžers smatra da je prisustvovati trenutku kada beba dolazi na svet neverovatno iskustvo, a o tome svedoče i prelepe fotografije koje je zabeležila na više od 50 porođaja kojima je prisustvovala.
Jedan od porođaja koji je na nju ostavio najjači utisak dogodio se pre par godina i tada je Lejlani dokumentovala rođenje blizanaca kod kuće, s tim što se jedna od beba rodila u netaknutoj posteljici.
There's a news story making the rounds about a baby who was born via c-section, en caul. Consequently, my caul image...
“To je bio trenutak koji će obeležiti moju karijeru i “zacementirati” ljubav prema ovoj vrsti fotografije. Uslovi tog porođaja nisu bili ni malo idealni - mala i mračna soba, prepuna ljudi čiji je posao bio mnogo važniji od mog. Ali ipak sam uspela jednim brzim klikom na fotoaparatu da uhvatim taj čudesni trenutak, koji čak nisam imala vremena ni da vidim svojim očima. Gledajući kasnije te večeri slike, prvi put sam zaista videla šta sam uslikala. I počela sam da plačem, zato što je to bilo toliko prelepo i toliko retko. Osetila sam se blagosloveno što sam bila svedok svega toga i što se tako nešto nalazi baš na mom fotoaparatu”, objašnjava Lejlani.
Pogledajte samo neke od njenih neverovatnih fotografija:
Being asked to come back and document this beautiful mama's second birth was such a treat! A) Birth reunions are the...
That first touch <3 Gives="" me="" tingles="" remembering="" it="" with="" my="" own="" babies.="" Such="" a="">
When your "baby" met your baby... did they suddenly feel like little giants to you?
Final shout out goes to Sarah Parente of Sacred Work Doula Services! Since Sarah is my Sister-in-law, it's always a treat when we get to attend a birth together < />
This baby came fast y'all. Beginning to end - 2 hours! No time to mess with the birth tub? Just use your bathtub :)
Posted by Leilani Rogers, Photographer on Friday, 10 April 2015
Birth Without Fear shared this earlier today and I love it so much I'm going to share it again here. Sweet, sweet baby enjoying his herbal bath!
Future fathers get a little tutorial from the doula on how to support their mama < />
After 3 boys, they got the surprise of their life... a girl!
"There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written." - Toba Beta
"Come out baby." Daddy's exact words into Mama's belly button. Because that's the batline, yo.
Welcome earthside, little one. We are so glad you are here < />
Minutes old and already wrapped around his little finger!
Oh sweet newborn smiles!
"There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written." - Toba Beta
"Come out baby." Daddy's exact words into Mama's belly button. Because that's the batline, yo.
This is real joy right here.
And then love filled the room.
hello world < />
Welcome earthside, little one. We are so glad you are here < />
So happy together < />
Minutes old and already wrapped around his little finger!
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