Grupa medicinskih sestara i volontera bolnice Sveti Luka iz Kanzasa potrudila se da predstojeći praznik Noć veštica ne protekne bez veselih maski koje će nositi upravo najmlađi i najmanji stanovnici ove ustanove.

Naime, medicinsko osoblje potrudilo se da mališani koji su rođeni pre vremena svoj prvi praznik proslave zajedno sa svojim roditeljima.

“Porodice u našoj bolnici nekada provedu nedelje, pa čak i mesece, a to može biti vrlo teško za njih. Pružajući im priliku da sa svojim mališanima proslave Noć veštica pruža im nadu i daje osećaj da je sve u najnormalnijem redu i da će tako ostati čim bebe dobiju otpust”, rekla je Mišel Manuel, predstavnica bolnice.

Za bebe su ručno napravljeni preslatki, minijaturni kostimi, a urađene su i fotografije koje su obišle svet i oduševile ljude.

Pogledajte ih na sledećoj strani... 


March of Dimes volunteers and the staff at St. Luke Hospital Kansas City made little costumes for the NICU babies. I was honored to be one of the volunteers to photograph them. #marchofdimes

Posted by Schaumburg Photography on Thursday, October 27, 2016

March of Dimes volunteers and the staff at St. Luke Hospital Kansas City made little costumes for the NICU babies. I was honored to be one of the volunteers to photograph them. #marchofdimes

Posted by Schaumburg Photography on Thursday, October 27, 2016

March of Dimes volunteers and the staff at St. Luke Hospital made little costumMarch of Dimes volunteers and the staff...

Posted by Schaumburg Photography on Thursday, October 27, 2016

March of Dimes volunteers and the staff at St. Luke Hospital Kansas City made little costumes for the NICU babies. I was honored to be one of the volunteers to photograph them. #marchofdimes

Posted by Schaumburg Photography on Thursday, October 27, 2016

March of Dimes volunteers and the staff at St. Luke Hospital Kansas City made little costumes for the NICU babies. I was honored to be one of the volunteers to photograph them. #marchofdimes

Posted by Schaumburg Photography on Thursday, October 27, 2016

March of Dimes volunteers and the staff at St. Luke Hospital Kansas City made little costumes for the NICU babies. I was honored to be one of the volunteers to photograph them. #marchofdimes

Posted by Schaumburg Photography on Thursday, October 27, 2016

*Najnovije vesti, rezultate medicinskih istraživanja i savete stručnjaka na temu roditeljstva, zdravlja i lepote možete pratiti na našoj Fejsbuk stranici -YuMama.