Muhamed Nitoto je tata koji stoji iza popularnog Instagram profila Chronicles of Daddy, a ove nedelje postao je viralni hit zbog svoje liste saveta kako muškarci mogu pomoći mamama koje doje.

Nitoto je odlučio da prenese vlastita iskustva budućim i novopečenim očevima, pa je napravio popis stvari koje bi muškarci trebalo da znaju o dojenju.

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Daddy Chronicles Breastfeeding Last Month was Breastfeeding Awareness Month. So I figured id drop some knowledge on my fellow Dads and soon to be Dads. Here's what it looks like for the first few weeks or months after your child is born. Yup if mom breastfeeds they pretty much are tucked like this and at times you'll wonder "what is there for me to do?" Here's my top 5 tips for any Dad after your child is born. 1. For night feedings. When mom wakes up in the middle of the night. You get up and ask if she needs any help or water. The truth is most of the time she will say no but just the fact that you offered will go far. 2. Ask mom if she can pump and then pick 1 feeding that you will always do. Mom will take on almost everything and will burn herself out if you let her. At times you may have to force her to rest without worrying about the baby. This is an easy way to do that without a fight. 3. Don't put a time limit on how long mom breastfeed the baby. It's not just about feeding your child it's about them bonding as well. I know everyone has a diffrent length of time they will breastfeed and as a Dad it's hard to fully understand. Do not I repeat DO NOT try and rush this process it's not our place and it's not safe. You will open yourself up to a fight you can't win. 4. Be patient. I know as a Dad the first few weeks we are equally excited and yet not as important yet. Your time will come faster than you know. Babies grow fast and the stronger bigger they get the more Daddy Time will be coming your way. 5. Paternity leave! If you have it TAKE IT. The early stages of a childs life are not just for moms to enjoy. I know as men making the money especially after having a baby but trust me. You can always make money but there are no instant replays in life. It doesn't make you more of a man to not take the leave. It's equally as important that you as a Dad get to be a part of the early development of your child. Someone needs this info Tag them. #theblackmancan #daddydaughter #daddiesgirls #thechroniclesofdaddy #lifestyle #love #daddygang #nitotogirls #twoundertwo #daddysgirls #afrofitness #blackgirlmagic #blackdads #blackfamily #blackfathers #tbt

A post shared by Muhammed Nitoto (@chroniclesofdaddy) on Sep 5, 2019 at 11:09am PDT

1. Kad se mama probudi usred noći 

Ustanite i vi i pitajte je treba li joj pomoć ili čaša vode. Istina je da će većinu puta reći ne, ali sama činjenica da ste se ponudili će joj puno značiti.

2. Pitajte suprugu može li izmlazati mleko, pa da vi preuzmete naredno hranjenje 

Ponekad ženama treba bezbrižan odmor tokom kojeg neće morati da brine o bebi. 

3. Ne postavljajte vremensko ograničenje koliko bi dugo majka trebalo da doji dete

 Ne radi se samo o hranjenu deteta, već i zbližavanju s njim. Ne doji svaka majka dete jednako dugo, a tatama je to teško da shvate. Ne požurujte ih i ne narušavajte taj proces. Započećete svađu iz koje ne možete izaći kao pobednik.

4. Budite strpljivi

Povezane vestiŽivot porodiceTata poručuje tatama: To što ponekada ustanete noću, ne znači da zaslužujete orden

5. Porodiljsko odsustvo! 

Ako ga imate, iskoristite ga. Rane faze razvoja deteta nisu samo za mame. Uvek ćete moći da zaradite novac, ali neke stvari u životu nećete moći da ponovite. Niste veći muškarac ako ne iskoristite porodiljsko bolovanje. Jednako je važno da i tate budu deo života od samog početka.

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