Fotograf Natali Lenard iz Saseksa u Velikoj Britaniji napravila je seriju fotografija porođaja u vodi na kojima se vide gole majke sa decom. Na fotografijama, objavljenim na njenom Instagramu, su umesto dece upotrebljene lutke.

Fotografije prikazuju majke koje su pupčanom vrpcom još povezane sa svojim 'bebama', a Natali (32) kaže da iza fotografija postoji 'dublja filozofija porođaja u vodi'.

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"The feminising and mysterious influence of water in the birth room helps the mother access her feminine power and counteract the harsh forces that have dominated childbirth since the invention of forceps three hundred years ago. . "The sage who wants to change the world will have to look towards the water. And, to the newborn baby.  Water, which has always been the symbol of mother, is waiting to provide us with an old and forgotten wisdom. May such wisdom be the prime accomplishment of man." . Words paraphrased from Janet Balaskas (Water Birth 1990) and Michel Odent (Water, Birth & Sexuality 1990) . Created as part of #BirthUndisturbed #AQUADURAL #UnderwaterBirthUndisturbed #birth #underwaterphotography #naturalbirth #childbirth #stagedphotography @davyjonessfx Instagram allows #uncensoredchildbirth

A post shared by Natalie Lennard (@natalielennard) on Oct 4, 2018 at 9:38am PDT

Ideju za ovu galeriju je dobila nakon tragedije koju je doživela 2013. godine kada joj je na porođaju umro sin. Dve godine nakon toga, Natali je rodila zdravu ćerkicu. Rekla je da želi da ispriča priče svih majki i stvori pozitivne i inspirativne slike porođaja.

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From shooting AQUADURAL model Ijeoma . Thank you for the brilliant response to Aquadural in my last two posts. It has been a very interesting process to make the final image. I've found that both this water birth and the Royal birth, in particular, have taken me on journeys of discovery regarding the histories I was researching and moulded a final result that had unenvisioned elements. It means making the series becomes as enlightening and educational for me as I hope it is for you. Shooting underwater I found to be both a blessing and a curse for the way the shots would transform from one to the next, and reveal a different emotion, vibe, character... light, bubbles, movement. There were so many good poses like this one, but in the end I had to go with the one that instantly evoked the *feeling that I was in the ocean already* with this mysterious, confident woman coolly and calmly scooping her newborn up to her chest. This is just one of the images that first caught my eye before I resigned it to the pile of "nice, but" shots. Still, they make an interesting study of a "birthing" woman in water. Thank you Ijeoma and Carli for being game for me... Artist @natalielennard Model @ijeomasady #underwaterphotography #IGallowuncensoredbirth #UnderwaterBirthUndisturbed #BirthUndisturbed

A post shared by Natalie Lennard (@natalielennard) on Jul 5, 2018 at 9:37am PDT

Porođaj u vodi se izvodi u posebnim bazenima za porođaj ili u dubokoj kadi. Smatra se da je porođaj u vodi manje bolan i smireniji od klasičnog. A žene koje su to prošle kažu da im je lakše za vreme trudova da se kreću u vodi jer ona održava majčinu težinu i smanjuje rizik od pucanja međice.

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AQUADURAL (2018) #Waterbirth has primitive history as early as 2700BC when women of ancient Crete, Japan, South America and New Zealand were known to birth in shallow ocean and rivers. For this chapter of my series I wanted to construct a waterbirth image representative of ancient past: a woman birthing beneath the surface of the ocean. Siberian philosopher Igor Tjarkovsky, who delivered thousands of babies in water and believes we originate from the sea 3 billion years ago, claims that waterbirth optimises the newborn brain on a sacred level. From the baby’s point of view, the continuity of environment going from one fluid to another, is said to pace the traumatic onslaught of all the new sensations, putting the monumental first breath last, contributing to a calmer transition that will indelibly affect our lifelong “limbic imprint”. . . Link to video in Bio You are welcome to reshare with credit Artist @natalielennard Model @ijeomasady #BirthUndisturbed #IGallowuncensoredbirth #UnderwaterBirthUndisturbed

A post shared by Natalie Lennard (@natalielennard) on Jul 3, 2018 at 9:03am PDT

"Mnoge žene se porađaju u bazenu zato što je manje bolno, a voda im daje potporu i olakšava kretanje, zbog čega je celokupno iskustvo ugodnije",  objasnila je i dodala da dosta ljudi ne zna da je porođaj u vodi siguran i da neće naštetiti bebi, budući da do trenutka rođenja bebe plivaju u amnionskoj tečnosti i da ne udišu vazduh.

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(CLIP 2/8: WATER FOR THE MOTHER) Continuing our plunge into #waterbirth with model Carli, here I sum up the strongest science-based points of how water aids a labouring mother quoting from #JanetBalaskas and #MichelOdent - both birth writers who've played a role in promoting waterbirth; interestingly Janet had her fourth baby aided by Michel, labouring in water - an 11lber at age 42 - of which she writes in her book Water Birth (1990). . . I go into every episode of this project with a ton of dialogue that I know will be hacked to a fraction by my discerning hand later in Premiere. The topic of waterbirth is by far the most challenging to condense my research and thoughts without flooding the content with the superfluous, preachy, or just too detailed for a short video. It's satisfying to seal the deal between visual and words. Tomorrow we go deeper for 3/8: HISTORY OF WATERBIRTH (and why a waterborn baby doesn't drown) here tomorrow 5pm GMT #staytuned Videography by @beyondcontent @sambebbs Production and editing by me, models @carmzulu @ijeomasady, assistants @talltimphotos & Ben Secomb #birth #underwaterphotography #nikond850 #UnderwaterBirthUndisturbed

A post shared by Natalie Lennard (@natalielennard) on Jun 25, 2018 at 8:55am PDT

"Žene već hiljadama godina rađaju pod vodom, ovaj tip rađanja koji se danas smatra normalnim je trend iz prošlog veka. Žene su nekada rađale čak i u moru, okružene delfinima", dodala je.

"Moj cilj sa ovom galerijom je da ispričam priče majki, posebno da zabeležim trenutak iskustva rođenja deteta bez uznemiravanja sa strane, kako bismo videli pozitivnije i inspirišuće fotografije", objašnjava Natali.

"Moj cilj sa ovom galerijom je da ispričam priče majki, posebno da zabeležim trenutak iskustva rođenja deteta bez uznemiravanja sa strane, kako bismo videli pozitivnije i inspirišuće fotografije", objašnjava Natali.