Na samom porođaju trudnicama su, pored supruga, najveća podrška uglavnom žene koje su ih rodile - njihove majke.
U čast Dana majki, koji je širom sveta obeležen osmog maja, Međunarodna asocijacija fotografa specijalizovanih za fotografisanje porođaja objavila je najlepše fotografije majki i njihovih ćerki koje donose novi život na svet.
Dirljive fotografije prožete su najlepšim emocijama i prikazuju pravu majčinsku ljubav.
Mother holds daughter as both look down and see a brand new life entering the world. What an incredible moment. What a...
I'm more and more convinced that children understand birth better than most adults do. What wonder and tenderness in...
First moment, first breath, first cry. (Any guesses on how much this little one weighed?)
I love watching the grandparents as they check out their newest grandbaby!
Wauw! Afgelopen dinsdag de tweede power geboorte van de maand april mogen vastleggen. Na een korte, voorspoedige...
Posted by Dianne Hamre on Friday, September 11, 2015
Posted by Dianne Hamre on Friday, September 11, 2015
Mother holds daughter as both look down and see a brand new life entering the world. What an incredible moment. What a...
I'm more and more convinced that children understand birth better than most adults do. What wonder and tenderness in...
First moment, first breath, first cry. (Any guesses on how much this little one weighed?)
I love watching the grandparents as they check out their newest grandbaby!
Wauw! Afgelopen dinsdag de tweede power geboorte van de maand april mogen vastleggen. Na een korte, voorspoedige...
Posted by Dianne Hamre on Friday, September 11, 2015
Posted by Dianne Hamre on Friday, September 11, 2015
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