NAPRAVILI BARBIKU PO UZORU NA KREATORKU VAKCINE PROTIV KORONE: Naučnica postala inspiracija devojčicama širom sveta

Kompanija Metel napravila je barbiku po uzoru na Saru Gilbert, ženu zbog koje je nastala jedna od vakcina protiv virusa korona.

barbika po uzoru na naucnicu 0625279303
The scientist who designed the Oxford vaccine to fight Covid-19 has been honoured - with her own Barbie doll. Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert has been immortalised as the popular toy by makers Mattel. The 59-year-old Oxford University professor has become a 'Barbie Role Model' for her work. It is hoped it will inspire girls to go into STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) jobs. She said: "I am passionate about inspiring the next generation of girls into STEM careers and hope that children who see my Barbie will realise how vital careers in science are to help the world around us. "My wish is that my doll will show children careers they may not be aware of, like a vaccinologist. Her Barbie likeness features her trademark black rimmed spectacles and red hair, and she is seen wearing a dark-coloured suit. Barbie is also making a donation to Professor Gilberts chosen STEM-focused organisation WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) in the UK to support My Skills My Life, an outreach resource created to inspire girls to consider a career in STEM. Barbie recognises that all frontline workers have made tremendous sacrifices when confronting the pandemic and the challenges it heightened, said Lisa McKnight, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Barbie & Dolls, Mattel. To shine a light on their efforts, we are sharing their stories and leveraging Barbies platform to inspire the next generation to take after these heroes and give back. Our hope is to nurture and ignite the imaginations of children playing out their own storyline as heroes. Other female medics and scientists around the world are being honoured with a one-of-a-kind doll. In the UK, previous Barbie Role Models recipients include Broadcaster Clara Amfo, Fastest Woman in British History, Dina Asher-Smith, Champion Skateboarder Sky Brown, Activist & Model Adwoa Aboah, and Boxer Nicola Adams. Credit - Courtesy of Mattel / MEGA. 04 Aug 2021,Image: 625279303, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Courtesy of Mattel/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia Foto: Courtesy of Mattel/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Nema devojčice koja ne voli barbike. Kada one pokazuju uzor neke velike ličnosti, onda i naše devojčice uče nekim posebnim vrednostima.

Proizvođač barbika Metel napravio je barbiku po uzoru na naučnicu Saru Gilbert, koja je bila koautorka u razvoju vakcine protiv virusa korona.

Profesorka je ovu odluku prvo smatrala čudnom, ali je onda zapravo bila ponosna što može da inspiriše decu na ovaj način.

"Volela bih da moja lutka pokaže deci da postoje zanimanja kojih možda sada nisu svesna. Mogu biti stručnjaci za vakcine", rekla je Sara Glibert, jedna od stvaralaca vakcine Astrazeneka.