Nakon velikog uspeha koji je postigla projektom “The honest body”, fotografkinja Natali MekKejn odlučila je da napravi nešto dosta ozbiljnije.

U pitanju je serija fotografija na kojima mame poziraju sa svojim mališanima sa posebnim potrebama.

Od dece sa autizmom i cerebralnom paralizom do onih sa Daunovim sindromom, svaka fotografija priča svoju priču i odiše ljubavlju, a mame su, kao i do sada, podelile svoju priču.

Ove hrabre žene iskreno govore o svom bolu, strahu, predrasudama, ali i beskrajnoj borbi.

“Moj sin nije definisan na osnovu svojih potreba. On nije “dete sa posebnim potrebama”. On je dete... sa posebnim potrebama. Njega definiše njegovo srce, njegovo umiljato ponašanje, slobodni duh, njegova razigranost... Njegove “potrebe” će uvek biti sekundarne u odnosu na sve ostalo. Ja svog sina ne doživljavam kao nekoga ko ima, kako je to društvo kategorizovalo, posebne potrebe i to nije zbog toga što sam u zabludi. Za mene su sva deca jedinstvena i iako će društvo mog dečaka uvek gledati posebnim očima - boriću se za njega.”

Pogledajte samo neke od ovih prelepih fotografija:

“My son is not defined by his needs. He is not a “special needs child”. He is a child…with special needs. He is defined...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Sunday, 13 September 2015

“As we continued through our pregnancy, we decided it was time to announce our son. It was so hard to tell people face...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Tuesday, 15 September 2015

“When the call came that we had, in fact, screened positive for Down Syndrome the world crashed around us. My husband...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Tuesday, 15 September 2015

“Our son has Right Hemiparesis (a type of Cerebral Palsy) due to an in utero bilateral stroke. The older he gets, the...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Sunday, 13 September 2015

"I hope my son’s future is filled with love, happiness, and good health. Despite his disability he is a very smiley,...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Saturday, 12 September 2015

“Five days later, we received confirmation that Jillian did indeed have Trisomy 21 otherwise known was Down syndrome. I...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Friday, 11 September 2015

“Some days are awful and I want to curl up in bed and cry. I remind myself that things could be much worse.”This is...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Monday, 14 September 2015

“Our son has Right Hemiparesis (a type of Cerebral Palsy) due to an in utero bilateral stroke. The older he gets, the...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Sunday, 13 September 2015

"I hope my son’s future is filled with love, happiness, and good health. Despite his disability he is a very smiley,...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Saturday, 12 September 2015

“Five days later, we received confirmation that Jillian did indeed have Trisomy 21 otherwise known was Down syndrome. I...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Friday, 11 September 2015

“Some days are awful and I want to curl up in bed and cry. I remind myself that things could be much worse.”This is...

Posted by The Honest Body Project on Monday, 14 September 2015