Elizabet Anderson Siera (31), majka iz Portlanda u SAD-u, procenjuje da je osim svoje dvoje dece, nahranila i oko 250 drugih beba vlastitim mlekom, koje daje ili prodaje putem Fejsbuk stranice. Naplaćuje jedan dolar za 30 ml mleka.

Tvrdi da je neslužbeni svetski rekorder po broju donacija.

Službeni Ginisov rekord oboren je prošle godine sa 1502 litara, ali Elizabet tvrdi da je do sada donirala oko 6000. Dojilja ima sindrom hiperlaktacije, koji uzrokuje proizvodnju gotovo sedam litara mleka na dan. To je osam puta više od proseka.

Погледајте ову објаву у апликацији Instagram

Today, on National Don't Cry Over #spilledmilk Day, I want to honor this badass pumping mama (who I worked with yesterday here in San Diego) by sharing this real-life, devastating, yet empowering moment! #mondaymotivation _ @oneounceatatime "Shit happens. Oh boy does it ever. This isn’t staged. What you see on the ground is something I poured my heart into. When the bottle fell I saw it in slow motion. An un-dramatic flash of reality that milk was about to be lost. It hit the ground hard, the connector popping off, the flange bouncing across the courtyard. My breath sucked in sharply, one hand supporting the bottle still attached and one reaching to turn the bottle pouring out milk upright. Eyes scanning the loss and calculating what this meant. A lost meal for a baby I support? Two meals? My heart sank and I took it all in. I’m always so careful and I’ve not spilled in a long while. I cried the last time, devastated by the loss. I think it affected me for days. I processed and knew if I cried and brooded over this my hormones would rage, I’d get dehydrated faster, my stress would be elevated, and my next pump session would suck - not in a good way. I stood. Processing. It’s done. There is nothing I can do to change what is or is not. Every drop is precious, and every drop spilled is something to stand up from and look to the next session with the confidence that your body will continue this labor of love. I didn’t cry over this milk. And don’t think it had anything to do with the amount my body produces. (Hyperlactation Mama) It had everything to do with my ability to recognize this isn’t the end, a mere hiccup overall on this roller coaster I’m on and I OWN THIS MOMENT. Shit happens. Stand UP when milk falls. Look forward and OWN YOUR JOURNEY." . . @normalizebreastfeedingofficial . Photos @vanessa_simmons HMUA @flyystephj _ #boobhive #bfing #normalizebreastfeeding #normalizebfing #normalizemilksharing #nursepumpdonate #breastfeedingmama #pumpingmoms #breastfedbaby #RachelMcAdams #feedfearlessly #badassbreastfeeding #dontcryoverspilledmilkday #mamasmilk #mamasleche #momlife #boobelife #lechematerna #leitematerno

Објава коју дели Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra (@oneounceatatime) дана 11. Феб 2019. у 5:56 PST

Prodaja i privatna donacija majčinog mleka uglavnom je neregulisana, ali dojilja je odgovorna ako njene donacije uzrokuju bilo kakvu štetu ili bolest.

"Dojilje kroz istoriju hrane i decu koja nisu njihova. Postoje neke žene koje proizvode toliko mleka da mogu doslovno nahraniti selo", kaže dr Linda Dahl, stručnjak za dojenje u Midtaunu.

"Ja se ne trudim da ostvarim profit. Ljudi misle da zarađujem mnogo, ali zapravo novac mi pomaže u održavanju onoga što radim", kaže dojilja.

Mleko drži u velikim zamrzivačima u garaži i povezuje se s klijentima putem društvenih mreža.

"Za nas je to bila velika stvar. Moje devojke troše više od dve litre mleka dnevno", kaže zadovoljna klijentkinja Kati Jao, majka trojki.

Nisu svi upiti poslati od strane roditelja sa bebama koje žele da nahrane prirodnim majčinim mlekom.

"Svakodnevno dobijam čudne upite. Prodajem mleko i bodibilderima, jer kažu da im pomaže oko mišićne mase", kaže poduzetnica. Imala je problema i sa krađom pa je postavila kamere na mesto gde čuva zalihe.

"Uvek mi je zadovoljstvo da pomognem drugima koliko mogu. Ovo je nešto što spašava živote", zaključila je donatorka.