U "zapadnom svetu" jedan od omiljenih dečjih praznika svakako je Noć veštica. Ovu noć deca željno iščekuju, a za nju se pripremaju nedeljama u napred. 

Maskiranje je jedand omiljenih rituala koji se vezuju za ovaj neobičan praznik, a fotografije maskirane dečice obožavaju da gledaju sa oduševljenjem i oni u čijim zemljama se ova noć ne obeležava.

I svako dete, maskirano i nasmejano, zaista je posebno, ali ipak, postoje mesta gde ovu noć proslavljaju oni najhrabriji i najveći borci - odeljenja za neonatalnu negu u bolnicama širom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

Every Halloween our volunteers make costumes for the babies in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Ka'Rihn Bryant was one of the babies dressed up this year, wearing a beautiful butterfly costume.

Posted by Cedars-Sinai on Thursday, October 31, 2013

Naime, roditelji i osoblje ove bolnice, bebicama rođenim pre termina, svake godine omogući da uživaju u ovom omiljenom dečijem prazniku.

Pogledajte kako to kod njih izgleda i "napunite" svoja srca najlepšim emocijama:

Povezane vestiŽivot porodiceNeodoljivi kostimi za prvu bebinu Noć veštica (FOTO)

Pogledajte kako to kod njih izgleda i "napunite" svoja srca najlepšim emocijama:

Volunteers Transformed NICU Babies with Handmade Halloween Costumes http://rgn.bz/KYFl The neonatal intensive care unit...

Posted by beforeitsnews.com on Thursday, November 3, 2016

These NICU babies got adorable Halloween costumes and a photoshoot http://news.peraweb.com.br/these-nicu-babies-got-adorable-halloween-costumes-and-a-photoshoot/

Posted by PearNews on Saturday, October 29, 2016

'They really are superheroes': Nurse dresses NICU babies in costumes for Halloween. http://on.today.com/2eQGS77

Posted by The Dirt Farmer Foundation on Friday, October 28, 2016

BWH #NICU babies celebrate their first Halloween thanks to a generous donation of costumes for them to celebrate in!

Posted by Brigham and Women's Hospital on Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Heartstrings & Angel Wings made cowboys and indians costumes for our NICU babies this past Halloween! We would like to thank them and the familes that participated in this year's festivities on Saturday!

Posted by Lafayette General Health on Monday, November 2, 2015

Aww These NICU babies celebrated Halloween in costume at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center last week! Special...

Posted by Novant Health on Monday, November 7, 2016

Heartstrings & Angel Wings made cowboys and indians costumes for our NICU babies this past Halloween! We would like to thank them and the familes that participated in this year's festivities on Saturday!

Posted by Lafayette General Health on Monday, November 2, 2015

 Aww These NICU babies celebrated Halloween in costume at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center last week! Special...

Posted by Novant Health on Monday, November 7, 2016