Ožiljak koji ostaje nakon carskog reza je doživotni podsetnik da ste na svet doneli malo živo biće i neopisivu životnu sreću.

Neke žene smatraju da se o carskom rezu vrlo malo govori, a neke čak misle da su zbog te uobičajene, ali vrlo složene operacije, propustile porođaj kakav su očekivale. 

Način na koji ste rodile bebu nije važan kao činjenica da ste je devet meseci čuvale u svom stomaku i podarile joj život. Svesne su toga i mnoge majke koje na društvenim mrežama dele svoja iskustva, kako bi ohrabrile druge žene i dale im do znanja da su zapravo istinski heroji.

1. Natali Hinau

"Evo mog ožiljka i mojih strija. Oni prikazuju devet meseci trudnoće, sate rađanja i odluku koja nam je spasila živote. Nakon šest i po meseci od porođaja, napokon se osećam samouvereno i snažno."

2. Džodi Šo

"Ne mogu promeniti nečiji stav o carskom rezu, ali ovom fotografijom želim da podstaknem ljude na razmišljanje. Ponekad nemamo izbor. Ja nisam imala izbor. Imala sam miom na maternici veličine dinje i nisko postavljenu posteljicu, zbog čega je ovakav carski rez bio jedino rešenje. Verovali ili ne, rodila sam bebu."

ETA: blog post with update... http://birthwithoutfearblog.com/2016/10/19/proud-of-my-scar/ Please read before...

Posted by Birth Without Fear on Недеља, 09. октобар 2016.

3. Žaklin Hjudžs

"Nisam htela porođaj carskim rezom, to nije bio deo mog plana. Ipak, kao većina stvari u životu, ovo mi je iskustvo dalo neverovatnu priliku da se nadograđujem. Naučila sam da budem strpljivija, naučila sam da cenim više svoje telo i sve ono što može ono može da podnese, naučila sam da cenim sebe, svoje mentalno zdravlje, a ne samo ono fizičko."

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The wound is the place the light enters you -Rumi⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ The “wound” for each of us is different. Some are emotional, others more physical, but each one presents us with a choice. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ To either be victimized by actions that caused the wound OR to learn, become empowered, & use the experience to light a new path for ourselves & others. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I did NOT WANT a c-section. It was NOT part of my “plan”, but like with most things I didn’t plan for, it provided me a tremendous opportunity for growth. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I learned to...⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⋒ be patient with myself & slow down in those precious newborn days ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⋒ appreciate my body for its resilience & miraculous ability to heal⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⋒ focus more on my internal wellbeing & health, not just the physical ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⋒ appreciate, trust, & rely on my husband in a way I never had, as I recovered. Which deepened our relationship⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⋒ have more humility, as I started over with practices & activities that once came so much easier to me⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⋒ Relate to other C-section mom’s, also navigating newborn postpartum life ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ These lessons have have carried over into other areas of my life. Turning something I adamantly did not want, into one of my greatest opportunities for growth. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ No matter what your wound. I lovingly nudge you to look for the light that is trying to break through to illuminate the way ahead. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I promise it’s there, if you’re willing to see. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ April is #CesareanAwarenessMonth, so I’ve teamed up with some other incredible mamas in our #UnitedWeBirth Loop ⋒ who are tackling common misconceptions about c-sections in their own way.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Check out these moms, their amazing stories about their c-section deliveries and their views on their journey.⁣⁣⁣ —————↡—————⁣⁣⁣ @Completely.Maginlee⁣⁣⁣ @Lauren_McMama⁣⁣⁣ @punsandlittleones⁣⁣⁣ @Michelelovetri⁣⁣⁣ @JessicaGobrial⁣⁣⁣ @thebluegrassmom⁣⁣⁣ —————↟—————

Објава коју дели Jaclyn Hughes (@fit_yogi_mama_jax) дана 17. Апр 2019. у 6:00 PDT

4. Linzi Rae

"Za mene je moj ožiljak najlepši deo tela, koji me svakodnevno podseća na čudo koje je živelo u meni."

5. Valejn Evans

"Moje telo je daleko od savršenog. Imam strije, celulit, ožiljke. A znate šta? Bez obzira na sve to, i dalje sam jako ponosna na njega."

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My body is far from perfect. It has stretch marks. It has cellulite. It has scars. But guess what? I’m still so proud of it! . This scar in particular, right below my bellybutton, means more to me than anyone can probably imagine. . This scar is a reminder of my kids. . This scar brought my daughter into the world. . This scar literally SAVED MY LIFE! . . I am so thankful for modern medicine. I’m thankful imperfections. I’m thankful for my body! So I am going to do my best to treat it right and give it what it needs . . . And on a side note, you can still see the beginning of my abs even after a cheat meal with the hubby . . . . #csectionscar #csectionmom #verticalcsection #placentaaccreta #placentaaccretasurvivors #scarstellastory #lovemybody #imperfectlyperfect #savedmylife #woulddoitagain #iamenough #treatyourbodyright

Објава коју дели VALAINE EVANS (@mellow.mighty.momma) дана 19. Јун 2019. у 3:47 PDT

6. Taniša Snel

"Moj ožiljak je podsetnik na najlepši trenutak u mom životu. Naučila sam kako da ga volim. Zapravo ga obožavam, jer mi je dao snagu i samopouzdanje."

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My scar, It healed. My scar, it’s beautiful. My scar, it was a gateway of life. My scar is the most beautiful tattoo I have it stamps one of THE most pivotal moments of my life, I love it. Just like a flower I’ve bloomed. I was ashamed at first of how horrendous it would look and how it felt and what I could have done differently.. but after having it and it not going away when I look in the mirror or become naked.. I learned to love it! I began to admire it. I began to see it differently. I see mothers differently. I began to see me differently. Thank you God for every emergency and every scar that I have gained, even the special ones people can’t see. They have been a major part of my growth and becoming more powerful and confident. . . . Be kind to a mom it’s so much more than you know she’s endured scar or not. My tiny 17week bump making a debut . . **The second photo was taken a day after my unplanned emergency #csection I had dissolvable stitches on the inside and staples on the outside. . . . #expectations #growth #expectingmom #family #wtemoms #blogger #browngirlswhoblog #bloglife #bhamblogger @pregnancy.zone #17weekspregnant #mothersday #pregnancy #rainbowbaby #wtebabies #expectful #stylishbump #motherhood #pregnancyzone #bumplife #cutepregnancy #babybump #bumplove #surprisedate #baby @inspirepregnancy #inspirepregnancy @sexymamamaternity @pregnantchicken #babycenterbabies #motherhood @thebump #mothershape #photography #csectionscar

Објава коју дели Tanisha Snell (@tanishasnell_) дана 10. Мај 2019. у 6:27 PDT

7. Danika Litl

"Nadala sam se prirodnom porođaju, ali je naša dama imala drugačiji plan. Zauvek ću biti zahvalna za ovaj ožiljak, jer on je razlog zbog kojeg je naša sreća danas sa nama."

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April is #cesareanawarenessmonth. I went into labor thinking *hoping* to have a natural birth but our little lady had a different idea. The first time her heartrate dropped my doctor calmly asked me to flip to one side and then the other quickly, it wasn't until 2 nurses came running full speed into the room that I started fully realizing what was going on. After that I knew what to pay attention to the next few times it happened. When you hear your baby's heartbeat drop from 170's to under 70 you forget about any kind of labor plan you thought you had. The last time it dropped she took a long time to get it back up even after flipping through every position I could and getting a shot to try to stop labor (which was actually the second time I had to get that shot) so that's when they called for the emergency c-section. I'll forever be grateful for this scar because that's what got my little lady safely into this world #littlelady #csection #birthwithoutfear

Објава коју дели Danika Little (@danika_little) дана 21. Апр 2017. у 9:03 PDT

8. Federika Simoni

"Sve smo mi majke, bez obzira kako dobile našu decu. Ovaj ožiljak mi izmamljuje osmeh. Osmeh, jer sam tako rodila svog Đovanija. Uspomena na mojoj koži, zauvek."

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Ho il desiderio di una foto così da quando Giovi è nato. L'avrei voluta appena rientrati a casa dall'ospedale, con lui di pochi giorni, con la testolina grande appena quanto questa cicatrice. Me la immaginavo semplice, pulita, vestiti solo di noi. Quelle foto che hanno un tocco simile agli scatti di Oliviero Toscani. Che dividono il web, che da una parte vengono tacciate di banalizzazione e dall'altra, invece, infondono una sorta di coraggio e d'orgoglio a chi ci è dentro. Io mi sento dalla parte di chi lo ha vissuto, di chi se ne frega del giudizio, di chi crede che condividere sia pur sempre informazione, unione e abbattimento delle paure. Questa foto è rimasta, esattamente così, nella mia testa. Ma non ho avuto il coraggio di scattarla in quei giorni. Così il tempo è passato, sapendo di averla li, come un'idea in un cassetto. Ed oggi che ho letto un articolo per il mese della consapevolezza del taglio cesareo (che è proprio questo aprile) mi accorgo di quanto facile sarebbe stato, di quanto bene mi avrebbe fatto essere un po più coraggiosa e seguire l'istinto. E ho scattato. Penserete, tutto qui? Si lo è, ma per me c e dentro una storia. Che non parla di urgenze o situazioni drammatiche, Giovanni era semplicemente podalico e la mia difficoltà e' stata solo emozionale, ovvero accettare di dover per forza affrontare un parto chirurgico. E superare il dolore post operatorio. Ma per quello, seppur forte, non ho avuto timore. Sono una persona che però vive in modo estremamente profondo le emozioni e mi ha fatto più male essere lì senza Max, sola, dietro un telo verde, farmi il pelle a pelle piena di cannucce, completamente fatta e con a fianco l'anestesista che appunto, sopportare il dopo. Per arrivare a leggere o sentir dire, poi: ah ma col cesareo, beh almeno non si sente male. Ah cesareo? Beh ma allora non hai partorito. Ah di qua ah di là. [ continua sotto ... ]

Објава коју дели F e d e r i c a S i m o n i (@mamafedona) дана 16. Апр 2016. у 3:42 PDT

9. Briana Klink Makon

"Pitala sam svog supruga šta misli o mom ožiljku. Rekao mi je da ga on uopšte ne primećuje, jer sve što vidi je osoba koja je prošla sve i svašta kako bi mu podarila porodicu."

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I remember when I had my first baby at 25 I was so worried about people thinking I was 'fat' after, of all the things?! I was so young and naive, not able to comprehend the beauty that my body had just accomplished. 5 pregnancies, 1 vaginal delivery, 3 c-sections later, I finally get it. I see the human body in a different light, I see myself in a different light. I have curves in new places, bumps and lumps and scars. Scars some would view as 'ugly'. I grew tiny little perfect people. I'm able to nourish and feed from my own body. I asked my husband what he thought of my scar. His first response, 'I don't even see it'. He continued with 'if anything I look at it and see all that you went through to give us our family' Find a person that's good and true, that sees you and only you. I'll never know how I got so lucky but I'm thankful every day. Lastly, I feel like there's so much controversy over natural births, c-sections, v-bacs, nursing or formula fed. So much judgement. All that truly matters is that mom and baby are safe and healthy, that there is an abundance of love and we're giving this life our best. Being a mother is hard enough, why divide ourselves? Why compare? There are days I struggle to get out of bed, stay in sweats, yell at my toddlers all day and I order pizza for dinner. There are days I put make up on, get dressed and feel like I can take on the world...until about noon and I realize, this shits hard, when's nap time. We're all just taking it day by day. I'm just glad I'm finally able to find comfort in my own skin. To find appreciation and growth. I hope if you're going through all the new phases of motherhood, you're able to find strength and give yourself grace. You're able to see how beautiful you are. Bringing life in to this world; mothering is such a magical gift.Never underestimate the power of a woman #10dayspostpartum #csectionrecovery #uniteinmotherhood #selflove #relaxyouseemoreinabathingsuitpost #mymomwillstillfreakwhenshestalksmyinstagram #normalizebreastfeeding

Објава коју дели Briana Klink Macon (@littlewhale3) дана 28. Нов 2016. у 5:09 PST

10. Oana Andrea Bordea

"Ožiljci su priče ispisane na našim telima."