Ejmi Verdeli je majka troje dece, koja je, kada ju je jedna prijateljica osudila zbog njenog izgleda, napisala objavu koja je postala viralna.

"Srele smo se i ona mi je rekla:"Ne mogu da poverujem da sam te u javnosti srela bez šminke i u patikama. Ko si ti?"

Nasmejala sam joj se jer je to bila istina. U prošlom životu sam nosila visoke potpetice i trendi topove. Bila sam devojka koja nikada ne ide bez šminke i frizure. Bez nakita, sjaja za usne i mnogo pudera.

Ali, sada je potpuno druga priča.

Da, kod treće bebe nešto me je nateralo da se opustim.

Otkako sam se rastala sa njom razmišljam o njenim rečima koje su učinile da se osećam loše. Znala sam da ne izgledam kao pre, imala sam višak kilograma i kosu pokupljenu u neurednu punđu.

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If you joined the gym for the childcare... • If you say “don’t pick your nose” more than you say “I love you,”... • If you’ve ever put on a face mask and then realized you had to be somewhere right that second... • If you thought they were kidding in “Baby Mama” when they asked if it was “chocolate or poop?” And now you realize they most definitely were not... • If the last thing you read all the way through was a list of reviews on a new sippy cup... • If you know how to remove a foreign object lodged in a child’s nose... • If you have anywhere between 5-10 different piles of laundry... • If your first instinct was to laugh when your child started crying when they stepped on a Lego... • If crumbs fall out of your bra when you take it off... • If you only own one bra that fits... • If your kids wonder where you’re going just because you put on makeup... • If the coolest song you know right now is the theme to “Paw Patrol”... • If you’ve ever bought cookies, taken them out of their container, put them on a platter and passed them off as homemade... • If Amazon is your best friend... • If curbside delivery is your other best friend... • If you’ve ever helped your child look for a toy you actually threw away a couple of days ago... • If you tell your kid you’re putting their schoolwork and art projects in a “special bin” but you’re really just throwing it in the trash... • If your Netflix suggestions are a mix of “Breaking Bad,” “Captain Underpants,” and “Boss Baby”... • If your heart lights up when you see teenage girls out to eat because you see them as potential babysitters... • If you only have half of your nails painted and they’re all different colors because your daughter got bored half-way through... • If you’ve ever yelled “STOP YELLING” at the top of your lungs... • You might be a normal mom. If there even is such a thing.

A post shared by Amy Weatherly (@msamyweatherly) on Oct 12, 2018 at 2:21pm PDT

Ali, sada sam samouverenija. Mala je verovatnoća da ću plakati zbog bubuljice ili da ću propustiti večernji izlazak sa prijateljicama samo zato što mi kosa nije oprana. Ne padam u depresiju ako neko odluči da me ne voli i nisam nesigurna i nervozna ako me neko ne pozove na zabavu.

Istina je da se sada sebi sviđam više nego pre. Sada shvatam da se svet ne vrti oko lažnih trepavica već oko srca, uma i duše.

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To every momma who had a hard day. To every momma who is exhausted. To every momma who feels discouraged. To every momma who didn’t get a pat on the back, or a pay raise, or a reminder that you’re doing okay, or a simple thank you for all the hard work you did: You might not have gotten it today, but you’ll get it one day. You’ll get it in the form of adults who are kind, adults who are hard-working, adults who know how to value themselves and value others. You’ll get it in the form of adult children who are strong enough to leave you and forge their own path, but gentle enough to hug you hard before they walk the other way. You’ll get it in the form of adult children who call just to say “I love you,” and ask you to text them your chocolate chip cookie recipe, and hopefully, fingers crossed, you’ll get it in the form of adult children who beg you to babysit their own babies one day. Hang tight. Your reward is coming and it will be sweeter than you ever imagined.

A post shared by Amy Weatherly (@msamyweatherly) on Sep 13, 2018 at 7:14pm PDT

Dobra je šansa da će jedna devojka ispod slojeva otkriti da je žena koja svim srcem voli porodicu, bezrezervno se daje svojoj deci, obožava svog supruga, koja je pribrana bez obzira šta joj život baci.

Svet ne treba da bude zabrinut za nju. Svet treba da joj aplaudira.

Pa, sledeći put kada vam neko kaže da ne izgledate isto, da se ne oblačite isto ili niste isti kao pre 5 ili 10 godina, nadam se da ćete ovo zapamtiti:

"Vi se niste zapustile. Vi samo nemate potrebu da stalno izgledate savršeno. Jednostavno vas ne zanimaju stvari koje su površne i posvetile ste se stvarima koje stvaraju uspomene za celi život i koje će ostati narednim generacijama.

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If you breastfeed exclusively. If you formula feed exclusively. If you supplement. You are a good mom. If you co-sleep nightly. If your kids have slept in their own beds from night one. You are a good mom. If you buy only organic food. If you buy Happy Meals every Friday. You are a good mom. If your house is spotless daily. If your laundry piles are overflowing. You are a good mom. If you make themed lunches every morning. If you cut the crust off of your grilled cheese sandwiches. If you throw Lunchables into a backback. You are a good mom. If you read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” and haven’t put the parenting books down since. If you’ve never cracked open a parenting book. You are a good mom. If you homeschool. If you public school. If you private school. If you hire private tutors. You are a good mom. If you sing to you kids at bedtime. If you read to your kids at bedtime. If you send daddy to take care of bedtime while you wash dirty dishes. You are a good mom. If you have lots of rules. If you have a free-for-all. You are a good mom. If you started a baby book at 12 weeks pregnant. If you’ve thrown away every splatter paint artwork your kid has ever created. You are a good mom. If you limit screen time. If your kids have their own iPads. You are a good mom. If you are happily married. If you are doing this thing alone. If you are living in a house surrounded by grandmas and grandpas and aunts and cousins. You are a good mom. There is no one way. There is no right way. There is no perfect way. There is only being there. There is only being present. There is only giving hugs and kisses and attention and “I love you’s.” There is only being what they need. There is only doing what they need. There is only giving them what they need. There is only giving them you. The best of you. All of you. #inandoutbeautybyamy #mommyblogger #momlife #youareagoodmom #goodmom #momblog #mombloglove #bloggersofinstagram #bloggersofinsta

A post shared by Amy Weatherly (@msamyweatherly) on Feb 9, 2018 at 6:33am PST

Šminkate se kada možete, kosu sređujete kada nađete vremena, brinete se o sebi, ali se ni u jednom trenutku ne osećate loše ako nemate vremena za to – jednostavno, te spoljašnje stvari vas više ne definišu.

Vi ste više od samo lepog lica. Vi ste majka, supruga, sestra, ćerka. sanjar, realizator.

Vi ste vi i to vam nikada ne može biti oduzeto".